Legend of the Five Rings: Disciples of the Void Phoenix Clan

Legend of the Five Rings: Disciples of the Void Phoenix Clan

Regular price $32.00 $0.00

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 2 players

 45-90 minutes

Requires a copy of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game to play


Step into the world of the Phoenix with Disciples of the Void Clan Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game! Taking the best of the Dynasty Packs and the Deluxe Expansions found in Fantasy Flight Games' other Living Card Games, this clan pack contains seventy-eight new cards (three copies each of twenty-five different cards and one copy each of three different cards).

Primarily focusing on the Phoenix Clan, Disciples of the Void features a different spell for every element, a bevy of Shugenja with powerful effects, a new role card, the highest costed character in the game, and much more.with a fixed set of cards; they can then add supplemental card packs to this game world, with each pack also having a fixed set of cards, in order to vary their game experience.

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