"Northside Nights" or "Alpha Strike" (Tim.K)

"Northside Nights" or "Alpha Strike" (Tim.K)

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This is an AlphaCon addon - you MUST have a corresponding day or weekend pass to book & attend this session. Includes mature themes for attendees 15+ only.


Timeslot: (Sunday 5:00pm - 9:00pm)


Game Name: "Northside Nights" or "Alpha Strike" GM & Players will decide on the day

Game System: Cyberpunk RED

Ruleset: Cyberpunk RED (D10 and D6)

Game Master: Tim.K

Characters: Pre-Generated Characters will be provided

Game Length: 4 Hours

Players: 3-6 players

Difficulty: Introductory level game, no experience needed, you can die fast through poor decisions (you can die fast through poor decisions)

Prologue: Calling all Rockerboys, Netrunners, Ripperdocs and other Edgerunners.

Need Eddies? I got the cash if you got the goods. We know that Night City is not the prettiest or safest city but I need Teams to handle the jobs I got.

Night City is healing from the ravages of the last tumultuous decades. But it should never be forgotten that like most of America, Night City, is still an armed society under a blanket of appalling poverty, violence, and inequity. It's not uncommon to see as many guns as briefcases on the crowded City streets; and while the worst days of chaos may be over, the danger still remains—society's rule collapsed before and may yet do so again. History can repeat itself, and there's always another gang just around the corner, waiting for its chance to come out on top, no matter what the cost.

Always take it to the Edge.

It's the Cyberpunk way.

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